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How Your
Donation Helps

Malaika thrives on the support of its donors. Through regular donations, we’re able to build additional classrooms and wells, grow our community programs, and ultimately touch an even greater number of lives. Every dollar makes a difference.

How your donation helps:

$65 a month or $775 a year sponsors the education of a girl at the Malaika School.

$10 helps send a student on an educational field trip.

$25 provides a villager with vocational training.

$50 provides coding classes to give students 21st Century skills.

$100 supports a football tournament for the young people of Kalebuka.

$250 provides a class of students with a nutritional breakfast and lunch for a week.

$500 purchases equipment for our growing STEM program.

Donate Stock To Georges Malaika Foundation

Manage Your Recurring Donation

Click the link below to manage your recurring donation. You will be directed to Malaika’s page on the Stripe website.